Working with Local Authorities

We work with local authorities to help provide foster families for vulnerable children.  Our carers provide short term and long term fostering for individual children and sibling groups.

Up to 1st October, 2023, we were known as The Foster Care Co-operative (a not-for-profit fostering agency incorporated in 1999). We are now a fully registered charitable organisation (registered charity number 1201143) and a company limited by guarantee offering foster care across central and northern England.  For more information about our transition from co-operative to The Foster Care Charity click here.

The Foster Care Charity is a member of the Fairer Fostering Partnership and the Nationwide Association of Fostering Providers.

Joint Planning

We work closely with local authorities in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for children.We have active groups of carers in:

  • The North West of England
  • Yorkshire
  • The West, East & North Midlands
  • Bristol and South West of England
  • Eastern Counties (Norfolk, Suffolk, Esssex)

However, we are always growing into new areas of the UK.


The Foster Care Charity is registered with Ofsted in England.
Inspection reports can be viewed here: 

We have one Registered Manager in England along with qualified and experienced social work teams.


Our fees are highly competitive, age related and we provide discounts for local authorities for long term placements. Money received is typically spent as follows:

  • 55% on foster carer fees, allowances & expenses
  • 29% on staffing
  • 16% on training, insurances, premises, travel and all other costs


We are fully insured against the following risks:

  • Public Liability £10,000,000
  • Employers’ Liability £10,000,000
  • Professional Indemnity £5,000,000
  • All Risks/Malicious Damage for Carers £100,000
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