FCC’s 496 Challenge – The Full Story

S'ya, Phil and Ben with FCC's Sam W. Proudly show off their 496 Challenge medals after completing the last 31km stage of their 31 day endurance run.
Embrace the Challenge!

The 496 Challenge is our first official fundraising campaign since becoming a charity.  Our fundraisers embraced the challenge of each running a cumulative 496 kilometers, almost 12 consecutive marathons, within the month of July. This is a grueling fitness challenge created by adventurer Sean Conway. For our campaign the goal is not just physical endurance but also to raise vital funds to support training and well-being programs for foster carers and foster families.

The idea was sparked by Stephen, one of our dedicated foster carers in Northwest England, who inspired his colleagues and friends to take on this extreme challenge. While Stephen works tirelessly to support children in care, Ben, Phil and S’ya decided to use their love for running to give back. Ben, an experienced marathon and Ironman competitor, saw this as an opportunity to do something extraordinary and inspire others. Phil and S’ya, who are also deeply invested in fitness, joined him, pushing their limits to raise awareness and funds.

Phil's Story

S'ya's Story

Ben's Story

Meet the fundraisers
  • Ben: A seasoned runner and triathlete, known for completing the Ironman UK and the Manchester marathon. He’s channeling his passion for running into a force for good.
  • Phil: A sales executive and fitness enthusiast, who has completed marathons alongside Ben. His determination is a key driver in this challenge.
  • S’ya (you can pronounce it as See-ya or Sy): A boxing and fitness fanatic, new to marathon running but eager to push boundaries and inspire others to take on new challenges.

Supported by Schofield & Sons, Manchester

Our deep appreciation goes out to everyone at Schofield & Sons and particularly Dan the owner.  We could not have done this 496 Challenge Fundraising Campaign without your commitment and enduring support.  You have all been wonderful. From all of our foster carers, foster families, social workers, staff and Board of Trustees, from the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU.

#Gettingitdone in 31 days and 496KM

Challenge Day 1:   Steve Field FCC’s Director of Childcare and Stephen (foster carer) joined the fundraisers for a quick 1KM run to ease everyone in. Only 495 more KM to go over the next 30 days. Challenge Day 15: Halfway through the month, Kevin Morgan, FCC’s Principal Administrator joined Ben, Phil and S’ya and completed the 15KM run in fine style.  120KM completed and still 376KM to go in this challenge.

Challenge Day 31: The final push! Sam Willams, FCC’s Head of IT and Business Support joined the fundraisers in the last KM as they raced towards the finish line. Even though they’ve had injuries to deal with over the month Ben, Phil and S’ya made the last 31KM look so easy. 

496 Challenge ELITE TEAM

An amazing result! Only 10% of the people who start the 496 Challenge, complete it. Ben, Phil and S’ya are in the 496 ELITE class have truly earned their official 496 Medals. They’ve also raised a fantastic amount for our charity.  We are so proud to have such great champions on our fundraising team.

Meet our 496 Challenge Fundraisers

Foster Carer Inspires Endurance Challenge

Join FCC's 496 Fundraising Challenge

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