Talking about War in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine - Talking about the issues & impact

Ukraine flag yellow and blue

The situation we are seeing in Ukraine is worrying for everyone.  It is inevitable that our children and young people will have questions about what is going on, and how this may impact them or their families. Talking to young people about the war in Ukraine is important. Help keep them up-to-date in an appropriate way for their age and personal connections. have written a booklet to help parents and foster carers who are looking for advice.  It focuses on how you can talk appropriately about the war in Ukraine with children and young people.  This guide for foster parents aims to give factual and age appropriate information that you can share with the children and young people in your household. It also includes personal advice to help you to care for your children’s mental health and wellbeing at this time – as well as your own.

This helpful booklet can be downloaded as a PDF via this link.

You will also find top tips on the Young Minds website.  These tips are to help you talk to  young people and teenagers about the conflict in Ukraine and other difficult news stories.  Go to Young Minds blog.  Young Minds is a charity that focuses on childrens’ mental health. They offer a parent helpline that parents and foster carers can use to help get immediate advice and information. 

Other useful sites providing child-friendly information and expert advice, to help you to talk with children about the war in Ukraine are listed below.  Follow the links to find out more.

Barnardo’s blog – advice from Senior Clinical Psychologist Dr Jo Temple – Click here.

BBC Bitesize – part of Parents’ Toolkit – how to talk to children about the invasion of Ukraine – Click here.

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